/BCO-DMO/CMORE/super/core_hplc --date eq 20080901-- Level 1

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#  C-MORE SUPER HPLC pigment data
#  Bidigare Lab - University of Hawaii
#  Robert R. Bidigare
#  original file: SUPER_h###########: Oct.txt
#  ingested i###########: October 13 2016
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time        sta         cast        lat         lon         bot         depth       chlide_a    chl_c       peridinin  fucox_but  fucox       fucox_hex  prasinox    violax      diadinox    allox       lutein      zeax        chl_b1       carotene_a  carotene_b  chl_a2      chl_a1      chl_a_tot  
0034        13          1           35.301      -142.792    22          4.7         0.00        0.00        0.93       4.63       5.16        14.53      0.00        0.00        7.03        0.00        0.00        49.53       0.00         3.90        2.77        38.63       32.85       71.48      
0032        13          1           35.301      -142.792    18          14.2        0.00        0.00        0.00       5.00       5.03        15.49      0.00        0.00        7.15        0.00        0.00        55.95       0.00         4.21        2.77        37.55       33.20       70.74      
0030        13          1           35.301      -142.792    14          24.7        0.00        5.89        1.15       5.11       5.25        16.87      0.00        0.00        5.48        0.00        0.00        56.33       4.77         4.96        2.94        41.38       45.34       86.72      
0026        13          1           35.301      -142.792    6           74.3        0.00        6.45        2.12       16.95      8.09        43.07      0.00        0.00        3.86        0.00        0.00        51.89       0.00         11.64       2.38        107.08      62.23       169.31     
0023        13          1           35.301      -142.792    2           120.1       0.00        23.16       1.34       39.18      8.97        46.31      0.00        0.00        3.09        0.00        0.00        31.75       81.83        31.22       0.00        149.45      62.95       212.40     
1738        14          1           35.423      -139.250    22          4.8         0.00        0.00        0.00       4.30       3.09        12.39      0.00        0.00        5.45        0.00        0.00        39.99       0.00         5.70        2.33        48.28       20.04       68.32      
1730        14          1           35.423      -139.250    18          14.5        0.00        0.00        0.98       4.57       3.49        12.76      0.00        0.00        5.29        0.00        0.00        39.14       0.00         5.41        2.44        47.48       16.93       64.41      
1728        14          1           35.423      -139.250    14          25.6        0.00        0.00        0.00       4.46       2.86        13.09      0.00        0.00        4.88        0.00        0.00        41.95       0.00         5.99        2.67        52.32       22.61       74.94      
1726        14          1           35.423      -139.250    10          46.1        0.00        1.68        1.71       7.29       4.73        19.26      0.00        0.00        3.75        0.00        0.00        53.09       0.00         6.56        2.57        56.74       31.46       88.20      
1723        14          1           35.423      -139.250    6           75.2        0.00        12.60       1.93       14.58      4.28        33.74      0.00        0.00        2.99        0.00        0.00        49.74       14.91        10.46       3.60        97.56       43.20       140.76     
1721        14          1           35.423      -139.250    2           106.5       0.00        12.36       1.21       42.61      7.35        56.63      0.00        1.37        3.68        0.00        0.00        28.33       43.51        21.79       2.05        120.24      64.74       184.98